Nov 21, 2019
S2E2 We are getting to the bottom of a question heard daily at Red Stick Spice Company: How do I use spices? Last week, Smidgen hosted Rosemary Gill from Milk Street for her take on using spices. In this episode, Smidgen host Anne Milneck speaks with producer Catherine O’Brien for Anne’s take on the how, when, and why of spices. The cooking segment brings it all home with a recipe that uses a surprising spice (well, surprising for a cookie) and utilizes a technique that will transform your baking.
Cooking Segment: Anne and Lili Courtney prepare
Molasses Cookies with Garam
Masala in the Red Stick Spice Co. Test Kitchen.
Mentioned on the show:
Do you now know how to use spices? Whether a novice or a spice pro, what were your takeaways? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
As we kick off Season 2, you can always go back and revisit all of Season 1 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pandora, or your favorite podcast app. Smidgen is the podcast of Red Stick Spice Co.